After Care
Following after care instructions is essential to the healing process of your new brows and to protect your investment! Keep touching to a minimum and always use clean hands when caring for your brows. Limit time spent in the shower (your brows should only be getting wet if you are washing them), and no swimming, jacuzzis/hot tubs, saunas or steam rooms for at least 2 weeks. Keep your tattoo out of the sun during the healing process and use sunscreen (SPF 50+) once healed. Within the first 48 hours, you may experience minimal discomfort similar to a sun burn. Please note that your brows will appear more intense in saturation and color immediately after your appointment and for the first 10 days of healing. After your brows are completely healed, the hair strokes will soften and lighten about 30%-40%. It is natural for your brows to become dry, flaky and itchy during the healing process. DO NOT PICK AT YOUR BROWS!!!! Allow the flakes to fall off naturally. Your brows should experience a “curing” phase where your skin forms a new layer over the pigment making them appear “ashy” or “ghost-like.” It takes about 8 weeks to see the full results of microblading. Trust the process! Adjustments can be made at your second appointment (no sooner than 8 weeks post healing).
For the first 24 hours:
Enjoy your fresh brows! For the first 2 hours post-procedure, gently, but firmly, blot any lymph fluid from your brow with a tissue or paper towel as needed (this will help prevent heavy scabbing). Wash your brows before bed using a very light touch (clean finger, Q-tip, or cotton swab), warm water and antibacterial soap. Gently cleanse your eyebrows for 10 seconds, making sure to use smooth motions in the direction of your hair growth. Rinse and gently pat dry with a clean paper towel. Do not use moisturizer (your skin needs to breathe), but do use a clean pillowcase to minimize bacteria and AVOID SLEEPING ON YOUR FACE!
Days 2-14:
Wash your brows twice daily and apply a small amount of the moisturizer provided (the size of a grain of rice) once your brows have FULLY dried. Do not put moisturizer on a wet or damp tattoo. If you tend to have oily skin, only apply the moisturizer once daily at night. You’ll want to avoid over-saturating your fresh brows as this will delay healing! Using oil blot sheets is HIGHLY recommended if your appointment falls in the summer months, or if you naturally have more oily skin (always gently dab, do not wipe).
Additionally, avoid working out/excessive sweating, anti-acne/lightening creams, makeup/ cosmetics on the tattoo site for 2 weeks post appointment. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser treatments, Botox, and bleaching or tinting of the brows should all be avoided for at least 1 month post appointment. No harsh scrubbing or cleansers on your brows, avoid anti-aging or facial products containing Alpha Hydroxyls (AHAs), Retin-A, Lactic or Glycolic acids as they will fade the pigment. If you are planning on having an MRI, please notify your technician that you have cosmetic tattooing (having an MRI can alter the appearance of the tattoo pigment). If you are receiving any facial procedure, please notify the person performing the service of your tattooed brows and proceed at your own discretion.
*Failure to follow after care instructions may result in poor retention of pigment, and may alter the healed results of your tattoo. Pigment retention varies from client to client based on many factors, and no results are guaranteed.